Tuesday, November 1, 2011

First Day of NaNoWriMo

So the first day of NaNoWriMo is coming to a close for me, and I have to say, I'm pretty happy with my word count. I had designated my goal as 2k, which I surpassed, and have finished the day with 3238 words. I have also decided to set my "writing time" from 9am - 4pm. This range really works for me as 9am is when I get my last kid off to school and 4pm is when I have to pick them up from the bus.

Now, I know that this leaves plenty of writing hours open during the evening that I could be filling with my wonderful (ahem) story ideas and really rocking that NaNo word counter, but let me just tell you a little about what goes on in my house after my 3 children, my husband, and my father arrive home from their days.

1.) My five year old = Him: "Can I play my game? Will you start my game for me? Hey Mom, I need you to come put my cheats in. Can you get me a snack? Hey Mom, come look at this, I got a new car on my game." Me: *Pulls out hair* etc...etc...etc...

2.) My 12 year old = Me: "Clean up your room." Him: "I did." Me: (Looks inside) "Are you fucking crazy?" Him: "What?" Me: "If you think this is clean, then we have a problem." Him: "I'll do it later." Me: "Have you done your chores?" Him: "God... no. I just got home." Me: "Then maybe you should do your chores before ride your skateboard." Him: "Whatever... I'll get to it a minute." Me: *Pulls out hair* etc.... etc....etc...

3.) My 16 year old = Me: "How was your day?" Her: "Shit." Me: "Really, why?" Her: "Why do you think... it's school." Me: "Ok? But did something happen to ruin your day?" Her: "Not really, but you're doing a pretty good job of it." Me: "Watch your mouth. Nothing you experienced today is my fault." Her: "You're my Mom... everything is your fault." Me: *Pulls out hair* etc... etc... etc...

4.) My husband = Me: "Hi honey, how was your day?" Him: "Shit." Me: *Pulls out hair and runs away* etc...etc...etc...

5.) My father = Me: "Hey Dad, how are you feeling?" Him: "Like shit." Me: (Collapses into a fit of laughter) Him: "What's so funny?" Me: "Sorry Dad. It's not you, it's me." Him: "You got that right. What's for dinner?" Me: *Pulls out hair* etc...etc...etc...


Happy Writing!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your progress! I wish I could write during the day but I have that pesky bill-paying job...lol I feel you on the family craziness, there are nine other family members living in my house. I usually alternate between the nice Aunt and crazy/mean Aunt while I'm writing. I'm thinking of tattooing "Get out of my room" on my forehead. :-)


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